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<source> sudo apt-get install snmpd snmp libsnmp15 libsnmp-perl libsnmp-info-perl libsnmp-base libnet-snmp-perl snmp-mibs-downloader <source>



agentAddress  udp:161
rocommunity <secret>
rouser   authOnlyUser
sysLocation    ChangeME - Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
sysContact     You <>
sysServices    72
proc  mountd
proc  ntalkd    4
proc  sendmail 10 1
disk       /     10000
disk       /var  5%
includeAllDisks  10%
load   12 10 5
trapsink     localhost public
iquerySecName   internalUser       
rouser          internalUser
defaultMonitors          yes
linkUpDownNotifications  yes
extend    test1   /bin/echo  Hello, world!
extend-sh test2   echo Hello, world! ; echo Hi there ; exit 35
## this will allow you list the sw installed. Script required below
perl do   "/etc/snmp/";
master          agentx


  • list software installed script required

<source lang=perl>

  1. !/usr/bin/perl
  1. This is a rather quick (?) and dirty (!) script to implement the hrSWInstalled
  2. MIB on Debian and other dpkg based Linux distributions.
  3. If you have improvements, please send to

  1. Configuration
  1. maximum allowed cache age (in seconds)
  2. the agent will check the mtime on $statusfile if it hasn't checked in this long

$maxCacheAge = 10;

  1. location of dpkg files

my $statusfile = "/var/lib/dpkg/status"; my $infodir = "/var/lib/dpkg/info";

  1. 0 - quiet, 1 - basic debugging, 2 - trace debugging

$debug = 0;

my $regat = ''; my $hrSWInstalledLastChange = $regat . ".1"; my $hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime = $regat . ".2"; my $hrSWInstalledEntry = $regat . ".3.1"; my $hrSWInstalledIndex = $hrSWInstalledEntry . ".1"; my $hrSWInstalledName = $hrSWInstalledEntry . ".2"; my $hrSWInstalledID = $hrSWInstalledEntry . ".3"; my $hrSWInstalledType = $hrSWInstalledEntry . ".4"; my $hrSWInstalledDate = $hrSWInstalledEntry . ".5";

use Net::SNMP qw(oid_lex_sort); use YAML; use IO::File; use Parse::Debian::Packages; use Data::Dumper; use NetSNMP::OID (':all'); use NetSNMP::agent (':all'); use NetSNMP::ASN (':all'); use SNMP;

my $inittime = time(); my $lastCacheCheck; my $cacheAge = 0; my %oidtable; my @oidkeys; my %nextOIDMap;


  print STDERR "loading Debian hrSWInstalled MIB extension \n";



  1. if we're not embedded, this will get auto-set below to 1

$subagent = 0;

  1. where we are going to hook onto

my $regoid = new NetSNMP::OID($regat); print STDERR "registering at ", $regoid, "\n" if ($debug);

  1. If we're not running embedded within the agent, then try to start
  2. our own subagent instead.

if ( !$agent ) {

  $agent = new NetSNMP::agent(
      'Name'   => 'hrswinstalled',
      'AgentX' => 1
  );    # make us a subagent
  $subagent = 1;
  print STDERR "started us as a subagent ($agent)\n";


  1. we register ourselves with the master agent we're embedded in. The
  2. global $agent variable is how we do this:

$agent->register( 'myname', $regoid, \&hrSWInstalledHandler );

if ($subagent) {

  # We need to perform a loop here waiting for snmp requests.  We
  # aren't doing anything else here, but we could.
  $SIG{'INT'}  = \&shutDown;
  $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&shutDown;
  $running     = 1;
  while ($running) {
      $agent->agent_check_and_process(1);    # 1 = block
      print STDERR "main loop\n" if ( $debug > 2 );


  1. the actual SNMP handler

sub hrSWInstalledHandler {

  my ( $handler, $registration_info, $request_info, $requests ) = @_;
  my $request;
  #check package cache time
  populateCaches() if statusCacheUpdated($statusfile);
  print STDERR "processing a request of type "
    . $request_info->getMode() . "\n"
    if $debug > 1;
  for ( $request = $requests ; $request ; $request = $request->next() ) {
      my $oid = $request->getOID();
      print STDERR "  processing request of $oid\n" if $debug > 1;
      if ( $request_info->getMode() == MODE_GET ) {
          my $numericOid = SNMP::translateObj($oid);
          $numericOid =~ s/^\.//;
          $request->setValue( $oidtable{$numericOid}{type},
              $oidtable{$numericOid}{val} );
      elsif ( $request_info->getMode() == MODE_GETNEXT ) {
          print STDERR "requested oid $oid\n" if $debug > 1;
          for my $oidentry (
              $nextOIDMap{$oid} ? ( $nextOIDMap{$oid}, @oidkeys ) : @oidkeys )
              if ( $oid < $oidtable{$oidentry}{oid} ) {
                  print STDERR "returned $oidentry" if $debug > 1;
                  $request->setValue( $oidtable{$oidentry}{type},
                      $oidtable{$oidentry}{val} );
  print STDERR "  finished processing\n" if $debug > 1;


  1. optimised oid map

sub nextOIDMap {

  my ( $oidtable, $oidkeys ) = @_;
  my %nextmap;
  my %oididx;
  my $idx = 0;
  print STDERR "Generating OID cache...\n" if $debug;
  #generate hash mapping OIDs in @{$oidkeys} array to the index of that key
  #within the array, for performance reasons
  for my $oidkey ( @{$oidkeys} ) {
      $oididx{$oidkey} = $idx;
  for my $oid ( keys %{$oidtable} ) {
      my $index = $oididx{$oid};
      $nextmap{ $oidtable{$oid}{oid} } = $oidkeys->[ $index + 1 ];
  print STDERR "\t...done.\n" if $debug;
  return %nextmap;


  1. check if package status has changed

sub statusCacheUpdated {

  my ($statusfile) = @_;
  #allow for max cache age
  return 0 if time() <= $lastCacheCheck + $maxCacheAge;
  $lastCacheCheck = time();
  print STDERR "dpkg cache expired\n"
    if $debug && ( stat($statusfile) )[9] > $cacheAge;
  return ( stat($statusfile) )[9] > $cacheAge ? 1 : 0;


  1. enumerate package status

sub enumPkgs {

  my ( $statusfile, $infodir ) = @_;
  my $index = 1;
  my %packages;
  my %oidtable;
  print STDERR "Enumerating installed packages...\n" if $debug;
  #remember our cache age
  $cacheAge = time();
  my $fh = IO::File->new($statusfile);
  my $parser = Parse::Debian::Packages->new($fh);
  while ( my %package = $parser->next ) {
      next unless $package{Status} =~ /(?<!not-)installed/;
      $packages{ $package{Package} } = \%package;
  close $fh;
  for my $name ( sort keys %packages ) {
      my $oid;
      $oid = $hrSWInstalledIndex . "." . $index;
      $oidtable{$oid}{oid} =
        new NetSNMP::OID( $hrSWInstalledIndex . "." . "$index" );
      $oidtable{$oid}{type} = ASN_INTEGER;
      $oidtable{$oid}{val} = $index;
      $oid = $hrSWInstalledName . "." . $index;
      $oidtable{$oid}{oid} =
        new NetSNMP::OID( $hrSWInstalledName . "." . "$index" );
      $oidtable{$oid}{type} = ASN_OCTET_STR;
      $oidtable{$oid}{val} =
        "$name $packages{$name}{Version}/$packages{$name}{Architecture} ("
        . ( $packages{$name}{Description} || "No description" ) . ")";
      $oid = $hrSWInstalledDate . "." . $index;
      $oidtable{$oid}{oid} =
        new NetSNMP::OID( $hrSWInstalledDate . "." . "$index" );
      $oidtable{$oid}{type} = ASN_OCTET_STR;
      my $mtime = ( stat( "$infodir" . "/" . $name . ".list" ) )[9];
      $oidtable{$oid}{val} = snmpDateStamp($mtime);
      $oid = $hrSWInstalledID . "." . $index;
      $oidtable{$oid}{oid} =
        new NetSNMP::OID( $hrSWInstalledID . "." . "$index" );
      $oidtable{$oid}{type} = ASN_OBJECT_ID;
      $oidtable{$oid}{val} = "0.0";
      $oid = $hrSWInstalledType . "." . $index;
      $oidtable{$oid}{oid} =
        new NetSNMP::OID( $hrSWInstalledType . "." . "$index" );
      $oidtable{$oid}{type} = ASN_INTEGER;
      if (   $packages{$name}{Priority} eq "required"
          || $packages{$name}{Section} eq "base" )
          #OS package
          $oidtable{$oid}{val} = 2;
      else {
          $oidtable{$oid}{val} = 4;
      #increment index
  $oid = $hrSWInstalledLastChange . "." . $index;
  $oidtable{$oid}{oid} =
    new NetSNMP::OID( $hrSWInstalledLastChange . "." . "$index" );
  $oidtable{$oid}{type} = ASN_TIMETICKS;
  my $mtime = ( stat($statusfile) )[9];
  $oidtable{$oid}{val} = ( time() - $inittime ) * 100;
  $oid = $hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime . "." . $index;
  $oidtable{$oid}{oid} =
    new NetSNMP::OID( $hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime . "." . "$index" );
  $oidtable{$oid}{type} = ASN_TIMETICKS;
  $oidtable{$oid}{val} = ( time() - $inittime ) * 100;
  print "\tdone. (" . scalar( keys %packages ) . " packages)\n" if $debug;
  return %oidtable;


  1. convert unix timestamp to snmp TimeAndDate

sub snmpDateStamp {

  my ($ts) = @_;
  my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) =
  return pack 'n C6 a C2', $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec,
    0, '-', 0, 0;


sub populateCaches {

  %oidtable   = enumPkgs( $statusfile, $infodir );
  @oidkeys    = oid_lex_sort( keys %oidtable );
  %nextOIDMap = nextOIDMap( \%oidtable, \@oidkeys );


sub shutDown {

  $running = 0;
  print STDERR "shutting down\n" if ($debug);

} </source>