Dashing - dashboard framework

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Install Ruby 1.9.1 on Debian Squeeze

<source> sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full </source> <source> cd /usr/bin ln -sf ruby1.9.1 ruby ln -sf gem1.9.1 gem ln -sf erb1.9.1 erb ln -sf irb1.9.1 irb ln -sf rake1.9.1 rake ln -sf rdoc1.9.1 rdoc ln -sf testrb1.9.1 testrb </source>


  • Install the gem from the command line. Make sure you have Ruby 1.9

<source> gem install dashing </source>

  • Generate a new project

<source> dashing new sweet_dashboard_project </source>

  • Change your directory to sweet_dashboard_project and bundle gems

<source> bundle </source>

  • Start the server!

<source> dashing start </source>

  • Point your browser at localhost:3030 and have fun!